Our Patronesses

The Columbiettes are blessed to work under the patronage of three saints:

Blessed Virgin Mary

As mother of Jesus Christ, Mary is also Mother of us all. We follow her life of contemplation and purity, of total devotion to the Son and unceasing faith in the Father. She is a model of biological and spiritual motherhood, a patroness worthy for us to proclaim, “Hail, full of grace!” as the angel Gabriel did. She is also considered the patroness of all humanity.

St. Thérèse, the Little Flower

St. Thérèse became a Carmelite nun at the age of fifteen, knowing all her life that was to be her fate. She spoke often of her littleness and her great love for Jesus. She is a model of humility and the power of fervent prayer. St. Thérèse teaches us to approach God like a child, not in naïveté but in wonder and admiration. She is also patroness of missions and florists.

St. Joan of Arc

As a young peasant girl, Joan was instructed by the Archangel Michael to defend her country in war. She achieved victory after victory against seemingly impossible odds. She is a model of unwavering strength, answering the divine call even when her life was at stake. St. Joan died a martyr, and is also patroness of France, soldiers, and women in the military.